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Thyroid Problems Are Escalating Rapidly In The UK

Thyroid Problems Are Escalating Rapidly In The UK

Dr. Quinton Fivelman Ph.D., the Chief Scientific Officer at London Medical Laboratory, is warning that thyroid problems may be escalating rapidly in the UK population and it is likely that there is a direct link between SARS-CoV-2 and abnormal thyroid function. While the average global incidence of thyroid problems in the population is only around …

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Non-Invasive Method For Measuring Thyroid Hormone Action In Tissue

Hypothyroidism Friendly Foods Worth Considering

Approximately 10% of the Western population is affected by thyroid dysfunction, those with diagnosed thyroid dysfunction are regularly treated with medication to help regulate their hormone imbalance, and the effect of these drugs are clinically evaluated via blood testing.  Recently a team of researchers led by Michael Krebs from MedUni Vienna’s Division of Endocrinology and …

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