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An Uptick in Ticks: Don’t Let Ticks Make You Sick

Lyme Disease Brain Inflammation

Warm weather might make you want to get outdoors and enjoy walks in the woods, picnics, gardening, and more. But tiny ticks also emerge when temperatures rise. And they can take a big bite out of warm-weather fun. Bites from infected ticks are responsible for about a half-million new illnesses each year in the U.S. …

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Tips for Enjoying Outdoor Activities as Summer Arrives

Top Adventure Sports For A Change Of Routine

Biking is one of many great ways to maintain your readiness and stay fit while enjoying the outdoors with friends and family. In the summer, remember to wear proper attire and have plenty of water, sun protection, and bug spray with you. With summer officially arriving in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to get outside. …

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Was Lyme Disease Origins As A Weapon Of War?

Was Lyme Disease Origins As A Weapon Of War?

Lyme disease is a chronic illness that impacts an estimated 300,000 people within the USA, soon those suffering with the illness could be closer to knowing whether it started off as an American biological weapon or not. According to United States Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey, longtime advocate for research on the disease,  he …

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