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Most People Blame Food For Feeling Tired And Emotional

'You are what you eat,' and now researchers know exactly what you're eating

You may have heard the phrase “You are what you eat”, but have you heard “You feel what you eat”? According to a random double opt-in survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Daily Harvest involving 2000 general population Americans, 93% feel a physical impact from what they eat, and many are left feeling like …

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Overlooking The Importance Of Eye Health

Overlooking The Importance Of Eye Health

Are your eyes giving you signs of strain; do you find yourself squinting often? If you are spending too much time staring at your smartphone, tablet, computer, or TV screen, you aren’t doing your eyes any favors, to be honest, you’re most likely to be seriously damaging them. When you spend too much time doing …

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How Much Effort Do You Put Into Your Fitness?

Listening To Music While Exercising Helps Fight Fatigue

Did you used to exercise more but now find yourself not really trying because you are sidelined with burnout or stuck on a plateau? According to a random double opt-in survey of 2,000 American women conducted by OnePoll on behalf of INTIMINA, you are not alone, 7 in 10 women confessed to not putting enough …

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Why heat makes us sleepy

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

On the hottest summer days, you may find yourself dozing off in the middle of the day. In some parts of the world, it’s a cultural norm to schedule “siestas” and shutter businesses during the warmest hours of the day. As it turns out, biology, not just culture, may be behind this. Temperature affects the …

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Why thinking hard makes you tired

Aging Linked With Changes In Brain Networks Related To Cognition

It’s no surprise that hard physical labor wears you out, but what about hard mental labor? Sitting around thinking hard for hours makes one feel worn out, too. Now, researchers have new evidence to explain why this is, and, based on their findings, the reason you feel mentally exhausted (as opposed to drowsy) from intense …

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Sleep Deprivation: The Hidden Cause of Healthcare Professional Burnout

Physician Burnout: Rehumanise Healthcare

“Burnout is at a crisis level, made worse by COVID-19,” says sleep medicine specialist Indira Gurubhagavatula, MD, MPH, quoted by MedPageToday. Approximately 50% of healthcare professionals were already experiencing some form of burnout syndrome before the pandemic, which only worsened their professional and personal wellbeing. Per the Surgeon General Advisory issued on May 23, 2022, …

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Dragging Your Feet? Lack Of Sleep Affects Your Walk

Dragging Your Feet? Lack Of Sleep Affects Your Walk

Good sleep can be hard to come by. But a new study finds that if you can make up for lost sleep, even for just a few weekend hours, the extra zzz’s could help reduce fatigue-induced clumsiness, at least in how you walk. There’s plenty of evidence to show sleep, and how much we get …

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What Is Microsleep?

Common Reasons Why You May Feel Tired All The Time

Microsleep is a potentially dangerous phenomenon that involves a short burst of sleep that lasts for just a few seconds, a person is not able to control a microsleep episode and some may even appear to awake while it is happening. Microsleep can be a dangerous sleep episode as it is a serious risk factor …

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Caffeine And Your Brain: Tired Or Wired?

The Average Adult Wakes Up Grumpy

A hot cup of coffee or tea is a highlight of the morning for some people. It can make you feel awake and alert. Caffeine is the chemical that causes these sensations. But does caffeine have other effects on the brain? Caffeine is found naturally in tea and coffee. But it is added to energy …

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Are You Eating Too Many Carbs?

Are There Good And Bad Carbs?

Carbs/carbohydrates really get a bad rap due to marketing and popular diets warning against eating them trying to convince consumers that they are the enemy, but carbs are really not the completely bad thing that they are being made out to be. Complex carbohydrates provide the energy our bodies need and help to keep us …

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