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Physical Activity Protects You From Chronic Pain

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Detailed Guide

Those who are more active in their free time have a lower chance of having various types of chronic pain 7 to 8 years later according to recent research from UiT The Arctic University of Norway and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health published in the journal PAIN.  Results from this study of over 10,000 …

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Genes Can Affect Our Nutrient Tolerance


According to an international study, minor genetic differences can affect the ability to utilize the energy of various nutrients. This work shows how nutritional planning based on genetic data could promote the development of personalized nutrition for health. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are essential nutrients to all animals. Yet dietary variation between species, populations and …

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Baby Receives World’s First Combination Heart Transplant/Thymus Procedure

Baby Receives World’s First Combination Heart Transplant/Thymus Procedure

The one-year-old child thought to be the world’s first patient to undergo a combination heart transplant and allogeneic processed thymus tissue implantation appears to be responding well to the procedures. The processed thymus tissue implantation is designed to help the patient’s body treat the implanted heart as its own.  Using processed thymus tissue from the …

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Using Cannabis for Insomnia? How it Impacts Sleep Quality

Regular Bedtimes Benefits Adults As Much As Kids

Cannabis. Weed. Reefer. Marijuana. This drug goes by a long list of names, and the list of reasons people decide to use it is even longer. As of 2019, cannabis held the title as the most consumed illegal drug in the world. And one reason more and more people are turning to cannabis is to …

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B cell activating factor possible key to hemophilia immune tolerance

Hemophilia Drug With Flexible Dosing

A group of scientists have just made a key discovery that could prevent and eradicate immune responses that lead to treatment failure in about one-third of people with severe hemophilia A. Hemophilia is the most common severe inherited bleeding disorder in men. The disease affects 1 in 10,000 males worldwide and results from deficiency of …

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Antibiotic tolerance study paves way for new treatments

Combining Antibiotics Changes Effectiveness

A new study identifies a mechanism that makes bacteria tolerant to penicillin and related antibiotics, findings that could lead to new therapies that boost the effectiveness of these treatments. Antibiotic tolerance is the ability of bacteria to survive exposure to antibiotics, in contrast to antibiotic resistance, when bacteria actually grow in the presence of antibiotics. …

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Waiting Game

Possible Explanation Of Why Time Flies As We Age

Article courtesy of : Nicholas DiNubile MD “Men count up the faults of those who keep them waiting” ~ French Proverb  I am sure you have those friends, or business colleagues, who are always late. Always an excuse. Too busy for time management and so on. No one likes to wait. “Good things come to …

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Exercise Triggers Fat To Release Protein That Improves Glucose Tolerance

Exercise Triggers Fat To Release Protein That Improves Glucose Tolerance

A protein released by fat tissues in response to exercise training acts to improve glucose tolerance and has other beneficial effects on metabolic health, as published in Nature Metabolism. Levels of transforming growth factor-beta 2 were observed to have increased in subcutaneous white adipose tissue and in the bloodstream during exercise; treatment using the adipokine …

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Tumor Survival Strategies

Tumor Survival Strategies

Four main trajectories for the development of cancer have been identified by researchers from Lund University, two have been linked to disease and relapse, as published in Nature Genetics.   Cancer cell genome often evolves ability to avoid defence mechanisms in the body and ability to survive treatments including chemotherapy. Mutations develop as cancer cells …

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