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Nanotherapy offers new hope for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes

Engineered nanomaterial captures off-target cancer drug to prevent tissue damage

Individuals living with Type 1 diabetes must carefully follow prescribed insulin regimens every day, receiving injections of the hormone via syringe, insulin pump or some other device. And without viable long-term treatments, this course of treatment is a lifelong sentence. Pancreatic islets control insulin production when blood sugar levels change, and in Type 1 diabetes, …

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Sestrin May Contribute To A Longer Lifespan

Sestrin May Contribute To A Longer Lifespan

Dietary restriction promotes a longer lifespan and robust health in animals and humans, but it is still not fully clear why dietary restriction is so beneficial. Now Max Planck Institute for Biology and Aging research has identified the protein Sestrin as appearing to mediate and dole out the health benefits of eating less.  When levels …

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Anti-Aging Protein Shown To Slow Cell Growth Important To Longevity

The World’s Oldest Man

Humans are living longer than ever before, but with the increases in lifespan there are also increases in the occurrence of ageing related diseases such as dementia, frailty, and cancer. Gaining a better understanding of the biology of aging and knowing the genes and proteins involved in these processes will help to increase our healthspan …

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Pathways To Extend Lifespan By 500% Identified

Pathways To Extend Lifespan By 500% Identified

Scientists at MDI Biological Laboratory in collaboration with the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and Nanjing University have discovered cellular mechanisms for longevity that amplify lifespan fivefold in C.elegans by what would be the human equivalent of living for 4-500 years; pathways could open paths to more effective anti-aging therapies, according to the researchers. …

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NIA/NIH Entering Into Anti-Aging Research

New Way To Tackle Aging

NIA researchers are working to decipher how aging happens on a cellular level in hopes to develop therapies based on their findings and are optimistic about 2 treatments for aging in the pipeline. Researchers are trying to figure out how to manipulate the aging process in hopes to delay age related disease such as Alzheimer’s, …

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