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Hug For Your Physical And Mental Health

Women Need Hugs

Do you appreciate a comforting hug at the end of a stressful day, or a gentle stroke on your shoulders when you are feeling down in the dumps? You may relate to the positive reinforcement that comes with consensual touch, but the question remains can touch really help you to feel better, and does it …

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Bionic Arm Developed That Restores Natural Behaviors In Patients With Upper Limb Amputations

Bionic Arm Developed That Restores Natural Behaviors In Patients With Upper Limb Amputations

Cleveland Clinic researchers have engineered a first-of-its-kind bionic arm for patients with upper-limb amputations that allows wearers to think, behave and function like a person without an amputation, according to new findings published in Science Robotics. The Cleveland Clinic-led international research team developed the bionic system that combines three important functions — intuitive motor control, …

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Just A Reminder: Touch Is Important

Women Need Hugs

The loss of intimacy, especially through physical touch, has negative impacts on both mental and physical well being which can be viewed in several different perspectives, including the potential negative impact of technology on close relationships, even if the logistic aspects of them appear to be more convenient.  When did spontaneous touch and face to …

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Seniors Who Have Sex Regularly Are More Content

Frequent Sex Improves Brain Function in Older Adults

A study from University College and Anglia Ruskin University has found seniors who report any type of sexual activity within the previous 12 months, including just fooling around showed greater levels of enjoyment and wellbeing in their lives, as published in the journal Sexual Medicine. Findings were based on survey data from 6,879 participants who …

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Aging Changes The Senses

Aging Changes The Senses

With age the way your senses give you information about the world around you changes, they become less sharp and can make it harder to notice details. These sensory changes can affect lifestyle and can lead to problems with communicating, enjoying activities, staying involved with people/events, and eventually lead to isolation. With age you may …

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Protective Hugs

Women Need Hugs

A hug a day may help to protect against conflict related distress, buffering against deleterious changes in mood that are associated with interpersonal conflict, as published in PLOS ONE. Those engaging in more frequent interpersonal touch have been found to enjoy better physical and psychological health as well as improved relationships. Interpersonal touch is theorized …

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