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Study estimates nearly 70 percent of children under six in Chicago may be exposed to lead-contaminated tap water

Excess fluoride linked to cognitive impairment in children

A new analysis led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimates that 68 percent of Chicago children under age six live in households with tap water containing detectable levels of lead. For their analysis, the researchers used machine learning, an artificial intelligence technique, to gauge likely levels of lead in …

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Not Everyone Feels Fine After Red Wine

Not Everyone Feels Fine After Red Wine

Red wine may pair nicely with a meal, but for some people drinking a small amount of red wine can cause a headache within 30 minutes to three hours, even for those who don’t get headaches when drinking small amounts of other alcoholic beverages. Recent research from the University of California-Davis published in the journal …

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Beware: Just One Meal High In Saturated Fat (Butter) Can Do Serious Harm

Magnets in Cell Phones and Smart Watches May Affect Pacemakers and Other Implanted Medical Devices

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. The ‘cult’ of butter in coffee and coconut oil in smoothies has been a strong …

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The Impact Of Toxins On The Immune System

Eight Ways Chemical Pollutants Harm The Body

The global population is constantly exposed to toxins – be it chemical, physical, or biological – which can have detrimental effects on the immune system and overall health. While the immune system is inherently capable of self-regulation following an immune response to toxin exposure, chronic exposure can strain it to the point of malfunction. This …

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The Path From Pollutants In Food To A Heightened Allergic Response

The Path From Pollutants In Food To A Heightened Allergic Response

Exposure to the heavy metal cadmium is known to irritate the stomach and lungs or cause kidney disease, but new research links another health issue to inadvertently ingesting low doses of the pollutant: high activation of the antibodies that cause an allergic response. Researchers traced this link in mice to gut bacteria that, after exposure …

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Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium: "Heavy Metals" to Know

The Immune System Is Impaired By Environmental Toxins Over Generations

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. In the industrial world in which we live, we can run but we cannot hide …

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Worrying Insights Into The Chemicals In Plastics

Worrying Insights Into The Chemicals In Plastics

More potentially hazardous chemicals are lurking in plastics than has been assumed. This also affects recycling processes and materials. A team of researchers led by Stefanie Hellweg, ETH Professor of Ecological Systems Design, has for a first time compiled a comprehensive database of plastic monomers, additives and processing aids for use in the production and …

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Occupational Lung Disease: What Is Not Visible to the Naked Eye

Occupational Lung Disease: What Is Not Visible to the Naked Eye

Today, we have gotten better at protecting workers’ health, primarily through strict safety protocols and better PPE. But workers still suffer the cumulative effects of decades of exposure to toxins like asbestos, benzene, bleach, butadiene, chloroform, dioxin, and mercury. Take, for example, asbestos; while it may not be widely used in products manufactured or built …

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What Is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome?

What Is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome?

Approximately 50% of buildings in the United States have been found to have some degree of water intrusion with associated mold and bacterial growth making biotoxin exposure very common in the population. Some internal toxigenic organisms are also prevalent, including Borrelia, Babesia, and Candida species while external toxins tend to be related to environmental mold …

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Worst Student Test Scores In History: The Dumbing Down


Is America moving towards a real life Idiocracy in a great dumbing down? It would seem as if America’s public education system is crashing hard and failing worse than ever, but is that really all there is to blame for the worst student test scores recorded ever in history? The public education within the USA …

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