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Traditional Chinese Medicine For Health Maintenance And Prevention

Alternative For Treating Recurring Urinary Tract Infections

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for centuries, the ancient system of medicine uses medicinal herbs and formulations along with different mind and body practices like tai chi and acupuncture to address various health issues for an all over mind and body protection.  Numerous studies have explored the efficacy of a variety of TCM approaches, …

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Evolution of Herbal Cures for Cancer: Molecular Science Holds the Key

Evolution of Herbal Cures for Cancer: Molecular Science Holds the Key

Article courtesy of: Kenneth Kwok, Co-President of the Asian World Anti-Aging And Well-Being Association. Current State    The worlds of conventional and regenerative medicine are increasingly adopting the practice of herbal remedies, also known as botanical medicine, which have been used in many traditional medicine systems throughout centuries.  Herbal remedies are produced from all parts of a …

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Monk Fruit Produces Anti-aging Effects

Fight The First Signs Of Aging With Astaxanthin

Based on their findings researchers from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College concluded consumption of monk fruit enhanced stem cell function which lead to a slower aging process. Monk fruit has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat gastritis, sore throats, and whooping cough for many years, and it …

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Powerful TCM Found To Have Anticancer Potential

Powerful TCM Found To Have Anticancer Potential

Vitex rotundifolia/beach vitex/Man Jing Zi, a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine has been studied for its medicinal properties. In traditional medicine it is used to treat a variety of ailments ranging from eye problems to menstrual disorders. The medicinal plant is well known today for its anticancer properties as several studies have shown it …

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Bacteria Found In Soil Halts Growth Of Superbugs

Starving Fungi Could Save Lives

A bacteria found in ancient Irish soil has been found to halt growth of superbugs, giving new hope to tackling antibiotic resistance which is described by W.H.O as one of the world’s biggest threat to global health, food security, and development, as published in Frontiers in Microbiology. Swansea University Medical School based scientists analyzing soil …

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