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Can You Catch A Noncommunicable Disease?

Effective Ways To Improve Digestion & Boost Your Immune System

According to W.H.O noncommunicable diseases are responsible for over 70% of all global deaths accounting for over 41 million annually. Noncommunicable diseases such as cancer or obesity can’t pass between one person to another, or can they via the mighty microbiome? Communicable diseases are illnesses caused by infectious agents that can be transmitted between people …

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Human Head Transplants May Be A Decade Away

Human Head Transplants May Be A Decade Away

Straight out of the pages of a science fiction novel to real life the first human head transplant may only be a decade away according to a former NHS neurosurgeon, after figuring out how to achieve the groundbreaking operation. Former Clinical Lead for Neurosurgery at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Bruce Mathew, is now …

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Peter 2.0 Is Live: The First Fully Functioning Human Cyborg

Peter 2.0 Is Live: The First Fully Functioning Human Cyborg

Humans may be one step closer to the singularity: “ Peter 2.0 is now online.” This message was sent from a terminally ill scientist and innovator who says that he has completed his transition into the world’s first fully functional human cyborg. Dr. Peter Scott-Morgan is one of the leading roboticists in the world who …

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Extended Longevity May Be Coming Soon To You

Extended Longevity May Be Coming Soon To You

Aging has been delayed in animal models, and human data shows partial age delay and reversal using existing therapies. Advances in technology and research are driving innovation into fields that affect our ability to live well as we age. Science is making living longer possible, and we are just beginning to realize the opportunities longevity …

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Memory Improved With Overnight Brain Stimulation


Non-invasive overnight brain stimulation technique enhances memory storage without disturbing sleep by researchers from the University of New Mexico, as published in JNeurosci. Human research has demonstrated the potential to improve memory with a non-invasive technique delivered during sleep in a study with goals to gain better understandings of the process of memory consolidation which …

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