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Medicare Fraud? Call the Experts

Nearly 25 Million U.S. Workers Now Have High-Deductible Health Plans

Medicare fraud is a big problem in healthcare. It steals billions of dollars annually and hurts the quality of care for many people. In this article, we’ll talk about Medicare fraud, how it hurts people, and how experts are fighting against it. What is Medicare Fraud? Medicare fraud is when people cheat the Medicare program …

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Buyer Beware: 60% Of Foods Purchased By Americans Contain Technical Food Additives — A 10% Increase Since 2001

Buyer Beware: 60% Of Foods Purchased By Americans Contain Technical Food Additives -- A 10% Increase Since 2001

Manufacturers have increased the mean number of additives in purchased foods and beverages from 3.7 in 2001 to 4.5 in 2019, according to new research in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. A new study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, published by Elsevier, has determined that 60% …

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Open Notes: Patient Transparency and the New Federal Mandate

Open Notes: Patient Transparency and the New Federal Mandate

Alongside a surge in telemedicine adoption and increasing reliance on technology, the growing shift to digital healthcare delivery has prompted a cultural shift in medicine forcing many clinicians to abandon the traditional model in favor of a more modern approach. An elemental component of the modern medical care model is patient transparency, which has been …

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Holistic Anti-Aging Skin Care: What To Look For In A Product

Holistic Anti-Aging Skin Care: What To Look For In A Product

The natural and holistic beauty space has emerged and is becoming more common place, in fact the organic beauty market is projected to hit $54 billion by 2027. Due to an increased demand for more sustainable and organic products the landscape of even skin care and beauty products is changing.  More brands are beginning to …

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