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Cheat Days: Snacking On Road Trips

Top 5 Reasons To Take A Road Trip For Mental Health

Road trips are seen as a cheat day, according to a random double opt-in survey of 2,005 general population Americans conducted by OnePoll on behalf of HI-Chew, 71% agree that road trips are given a hall pass for snacking. If given a choice for method of travel 38% of the respondents would travel by car …

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Hold the salt: Study reveals how reducing sodium intake can help patients with heart failure

Hold the salt: Study reveals how reducing sodium intake can help patients with heart failure

For the past century people with weak hearts have been told to lower their salt intake, but until now there has been little scientific evidence behind the recommendation. The largest randomized clinical trial to look at sodium reduction and heart failure reported results simultaneously in The Lancet and at the American College of Cardiology’s 71st …

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Forget Aging Gracefully: Here’s How To Age Joyfully

Forget Aging Gracefully: Here’s How To Age Joyfully

We recently came across this wonderful Ingrid Fetell Lee article and thought that it was far too good not to share, we hope that you enjoy it as much as we did: It was recently my birthday. It wasn’t a “big” birthday — one of those round-numbered ones that feels like a milestone — but …

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Weight Loss: 7 Common Diet Mistakes To Avoid

Junk Food: A Moment On The Lips & A Lifetime Risks

When trying to lose weight, most people are aware of the importance of exercise and limiting calorie intake. However, whichever diet plan you follow, you may find that you reach a point where your weight loss seems to plateau. Even with the healthiest habits and regimes in place, you may be making some common mistakes …

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