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The Importance of Employee Communication and Mental Health

The Importance of Employee Communication and Mental Health

Although it’s not always easy to talk about, mental health is an important topic. The stigma surrounding mental illness is slowly fading away, and it’s now more common than ever to speak up about your own experiences with anxiety or depression. However, many people still don’t feel comfortable enough to bring up their struggles at …

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Trust Me, I’m A Chatbot-?

Trust Me, I’m A Chatbot-?

More and more companies are using chatbots in customer services. Due to advances in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, chatbots are often indistinguishable from humans when it comes to communication. But should companies let their customers know that they are communicating with machines and not with humans?  Researchers at the University of Göttingen investigated …

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Humans Are Ready To Take Advantage Of Benevolent AI?

Robots May Be Cleaning Your Hospital Room Soon

Humans expect that AI is Benevolent and trustworthy. A new study reveals that at the same time humans are unwilling to cooperate and compromise with machines. They even exploit them. Picture yourself driving on a narrow road in the near future when suddenly another car emerges from a bend ahead. It is a self-driving car …

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People may trust computers more than humans

People may trust computers more than humans

Despite increasing concern over the intrusion of algorithms in daily life, people may be more willing to trust a computer program than their fellow humans, especially if a task becomes too challenging, according to new research from data scientists at the University of Georgia. From choosing the next song on your playlist to choosing the …

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Neighborly Trust Promotes Better Health

Neighborly Trust Promotes Better Health

People who trust their neighbors enjoy better health. In that an individual’s relative position in a community or population can influence their health, Eileen Bjornstrom, from the University of Missouri (Missouri, USA) examined data collected in the 2001 Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey. Contrary to expectations, she found that respondents with a higher income, …

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