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New potential for ancient mint plants discovered

Peppermint Tea May Boost Memory

The mint family of herbs, which includes sage, rosemary, basil, and even woody plants like teak, offers an invigorating jolt to our senses of smell and taste. Michigan State University researchers have found that these plants have diversified their specialized natural characteristics through the evolution of their chemistry. The research was published in the journal …

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Landmark TB Trial Identifies Shorter-Course Treatment Regimen

Damaged Human Lungs Successfully Recovered

Results from an international, randomized, controlled clinical trial indicate that a four-month daily treatment regimen containing high-dose, or “optimized,” rifapentine with moxifloxacin is as safe and effective as the existing standard six-month daily regimen at curing drug-susceptible tuberculosis (TB) disease. Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects your lungs. The bacteria …

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What Is Tuberculosis?

What Is Tuberculosis?

According to the Mayo Clinic, tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects your lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from one person to another through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes. Once rare in developed countries, tuberculosis infections began increasing in 1985, partly because of …

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Vinegar Vexes Bacteria

Vinegar Vexes Bacteria

Acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar, can effectively kill mycobacteria, even the kind that causes tuberculosis. Mycobacterium are a type of germ, pathogens that are capable of causing serious diseases in mammals.  The most notable kind of mycobacterium is Mycobacterium tuberculosis – which causes tuberculosis (TB), and has become highly drug-resistant.   As well, non-TB …

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