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Finding The Sweet Spot In Sugar Reductions

Tumor Growth May Be Directly Fueled By High Fructose Corn Syrup

Putting less sugar in sodas and reducing the package size of sodas sold in supermarkets may help reduce our collective sugar intake and thus lower the associated health risks. Good news for consumers, but how does it affect manufacturers?  Research conducted in the US has shown that marketing diet or sugar-free varieties does not lead …

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Robots Could One Day Work Alongside Human Caregivers

Smart Artificial Hand Merges User And Robotic Control

Caregivers should look forward to how bots can help support them while knowing they still play the most important role of all: and that’s providing the personal, human touch that can’t be replicated by technology. Imagine being admitted into a long-term healthcare center, only to find out that it was being partly run by robots? …

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