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Study Reveals Plant-Based Meats Not As Nutritious As The Real Deal

Fish Without The Fish? How BlueNalu Is Changing Seafood

Recently researchers compared the protein absorption from real chicken meat to genetically engineered plant-based meat. The findings published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry revealed that the protein from the plant-based meat alternative was absorbed less during digestion than protein from real chicken. The real chicken peptides were found to be consistently more …

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Are Ultra-Processed Foods Harmful? Experts Weigh The Evidence

Are Ultra-Processed Foods Harmful? Experts Weigh The Evidence

In new papers and a live debate, leading scientists present arguments for and against incorporating the concept of ultra-processed foods into dietary guidelines Dietary guidelines form the basis for nutrition advice and regulations around the world. While there is strong scientific consensus around most existing guidelines, one question has recently stirred debate: Should consumers be …

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Majority Of Packaged Foods In America Are Ultra Processed

Majority Of Packaged Foods In America Are Ultra Processed

It’s probably safe to say that most Americans struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and finding one absolute cause for the increasing rates of obesity is difficult. It’s most likely a combination of several factors such as not having the time to get in enough exercise and having an affinity for fast food. Northwestern University …

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