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Obesity may not be the only factor to link ultra-processed foods to a higher risk of mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers

Obesity may not be the only factor to link ultra-processed foods to a higher risk of mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers

An international study, led by the University of Bristol and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, analyzed diet and lifestyle data on 450,111 adults who were followed for approximately 14 years. Eating more ultra-processed foods (UPFs) may be associated with a higher risk of developing cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (including the mouth, …

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2023’s Unhealthiest Cities In America

Top 10 Best States In America With Longest And Healthiest Lives

Location, location, location, as it turns out location is more important than you may think. Research is revealing that where you live can actually play a substantial role in how healthy you are. It is true that some cities invest very heavily to try and make sure that the residents don’t get sick, but that …

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'Gateway' Foods Like Candy, Pastries And Frozen Treats May Lead To Unhealthy Teen Eating

“Ultra-processed foods are designed to be hyper-palatable, or engineered to be as addictive as possible,” said Maria Balhara News Release Highlights: A study of adolescent eating habits found that certain ultra-processed foods, such as candy, prepackaged pastries and frozen desserts, may act as a “gateway” and lead to increased intake of other unhealthy foods. 43% …

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Visualizing Health Risks With Imaging To Discourage Unhealthy Risky Behavior

UK Obesity Rate Has Doubled

There is ongoing clinical and research interest in determining whether providing personalized risk information could motivate risk-reducing health behaviors. The researchers aimed to assess the impact on behaviors and risk factors of feeding back to individuals’ images of their bodies generated via medical imaging technologies in assessing their current disease status or risk. They say …

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Bloomberg’s Global Health Index For 2020

Global Life Expectancy May Increase By 2050

There are a variety of factors that contribute to a country being healthy or unhealthy. Generally the healthiest countries are developed, having lower rates of pollution, access to quality healthcare and clean drinking water. Unhealthy countries generally don’t have access to clean water or good healthcare, in these places disease can run rampant, pollution may …

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The Tuna Diet: Is it Safe And Does It Assist Weight Loss?

The Tuna Diet: Is it Safe And Does It Assist Weight Loss?

On a diet score tuna was rated 1.5 out of 5 by Healthline. While the tuna diet may cause rapid weight loss it is very restrictive and has several downsides.  The tuna diet is a low calorie, low carb, high protein, short term eating plan that involves consuming mainly tuna and water to promote rapid …

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What Else Comes With Those “Wings”?

What Else Comes With Those “Wings”?

Around the globe Red Bull is one of the highest selling energy drinks that is marketed to improve energy and boost both mental and physical performance. It may give you “wings” but what else does it give you and is it safe, as there are concerns over its safety and potential side effects. This is …

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Majority Of Packaged Foods In America Are Ultra Processed

Majority Of Packaged Foods In America Are Ultra Processed

It’s probably safe to say that most Americans struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and finding one absolute cause for the increasing rates of obesity is difficult. It’s most likely a combination of several factors such as not having the time to get in enough exercise and having an affinity for fast food. Northwestern University …

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Most UK Adults Are Suggested To Be Living Unhealthy Lifestyles

Most UK Adults Are Suggested To Be Living Unhealthy Lifestyles

According to data from the Health Survey for England the majority of adults are so unhealthy they are putting their lives at risk with results showing that nearly 9 in 10 have at least one unhealthy trait. Half of adults are suggested to have 2 or more of these risk factors which were classed as …

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Couch Potato Syndrome?

Sedentary Lifestyles May Be Worse Than Smoking

A new study has found that nearly half of Americans sit for too many hours a day and don’t get any exercises at all, as it appears the USA is turning into a sedentary couch potato nation. Over 5,900 American adults were surveyed, findings showed that nearly 26% sat for more than 8 hours a …

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