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Profit To Be Made In Sickness And Poor Health

Profit To Be Made In Sickness And Poor Health

The medical industry does not make money off of healthy people, it’s just a plain obvious fact. Keep in mind the medical industry includes more than just your doctor or hospitals, it includes drug companies, pharmacies, medical device manufacturers, and the federal government, just to list a few. While it’s true that your doctors and …

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Unhealthy Lifestyle Raises Disability Risk

Unhealthy Lifestyle Raises Disability Risk

Limited physical activity, a diet low in fruits and vegetables, and smoking are independently associated with risk of disability, among older men and women. Previous research has demonstrated that unhealthy behaviors raise a person’s risks of obesity, diabetes, cancer, stroke, and sudden cardiac death.  Alexis Elbaz, from the Institut National de la Sante et de …

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Unhealthy Behaviors Shorten Lifespan


Physical inactivity, poor diet, smoking, and excess alcohol consumption, individually as well as in-combination, take their toll. In that the individual parameters of physical inactivity, poor diet, smoking, and excess alcohol consumption have been shown to associate with increased risks of death, Elisabeth Kvaavik, from University of Oslo (Norway), and colleagues examined the individual and …

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