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Creating Universal Blood-Type Organs For Transplant

Creating Universal Blood-Type Organs For Transplant

Photo: at Dr. Marcelo Cypel’s lab, where Dr. Aizhou Wang demonstrates the enzymes delivery to an EVLP system. Image Credit: UHN. A study published in Science Translational Medicine performed at the Latner Thoracic Surgery Research Laboratories and UHN’s Ajmera Transplant Centre has proved that it is possible to convert blood type safely in donor organs …

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The Missing Narratives in the Debate for Medicare for All

The Cost Of Healthcare Paperwork

Written By: Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD March 4, 2020 The onslaught of misinformation from the corporatist wings of both political parties and media biases against universal healthcare are obviously confusing the electorate. This is seemingly evident in this week’s Super Tuesday with Joe Biden winning the majority of the states. This confusion leaves …

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DNA Based Vaccines May Be In Our Future

DNA Based Vaccines May Be In Our Future

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has launched efforts to develop a new vaccine that will protect most people from most flu strains all at once with a single shot that would be a DNA based vaccine which will literally change the body’s DNA. Mandatory vaccination is being increasingly legislated which embodies a …

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Artificial Blood Could Be Transfused Into Any Patient

Artificial Blood Could Be Transfused Into Any Patient

Artificial blood has been created by scientists at Japan’s National Defence Medical College, and according to the scientists, it can be used in any patient regardless of their blood type.  If the artificial blood successfully moves through human trial this could be a breakthrough that proves to be extremely useful, especially in cases of a …

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CRISPR Drapes Invisibility Cloak Over Stem Cells

CRISPR Drapes Invisibility Cloak Over Stem Cells

CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing bioengineering technology has been used to render induced pluripotent stems cells invisible to the immune system; initial in vivo testing suggests this may lead the way to generating stem cells for universal transplantation, as published in Nature Biotechnology. A new approach has been developed by University of California researchers that involves disabling …

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