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Genetics Links IBS And Endometriosis

Indicators of PFAS found in some -- but not all -- period products

Researchers have shown that endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) share genetic risk factors, this may help to explain why some patients with one condition may also have the other. Their findings are published in Cell Reports Medicine. According to Professor Grant Montgomery, Dr. Sally Mortlock, and Dr. Fei Yang, they identified a significant relationship …

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The Neglected Balance of Progesterone and Estradiol

Are More Women Choosing Personalized Medicine?

Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior is a tireless researcher of women’s hormonal functions and related health problems. She has identified and published information striking at the social myths about hormones that prevent good therapy. Ignorance, lack of good science and poor translation to clinical use abound. Her article “Women’s Reproductive System as Balanced Estradiol and Progesterone …

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Hormonal Regulation of Menstruation

Hormone Therapy Associated With Improved Cognition

Menstruation is the phase of the female reproductive cycle in which the body sheds the uterine lining (endometrium) if pregnancy does not occur. Menstrual bleeding cleanses the uterus, preparing it for the next reproductive cycle. Due to hormonal changes during certain phases in a woman’s life, irregularities in the menstrual cycle are fairly common, and …

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