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Battling Bites: Blocking Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Why Some People Are Mosquito Magnets

As the days grow longer and warmer, summer fun beckons. Swimming, sports, and picnics go hand in hand with warmer weather. But so do bug bites. Mosquitoes in particular can ruin a day outside. And their bites aren’t just itchy and irritating. They can also spread disease. The list of illnesses carried by mosquitoes keeps …

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Preservatives In Popular Foods May Harm The Immune System

Risk For Diabetes & Obesity Linked To Common Food Ingredient

Preservatives are most appreciated for their ability to keep food a little longer before spoiling. However, a new report published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health has found that hundreds of popular processed foods may contain at least one ingredient that can harm the human immune system.  According to recent research …

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South Dakota Considering State Bill To Outlaw All Vaccine & Medical Mandates

South Dakota Considering State Bill To Outlaw All Vaccine & Medical Mandates

A growing number of legislators in the state of South Dakota believe you should have the right to decide what goes into your body and have introduced a bill that would end vaccine mandates and all future medical mandates that may be introduced in the state in the generations to come. The US Supreme Court …

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The End Of Government Medical Research Using Fetal Tissues

The End Of Government Medical Research Using Fetal Tissues

Government officials have announced that it is ending medical research by government scientists using human fetal tissue, disregarding advice from scientists reminding that such research has led to lifesaving medical advances. In a statement Health and Human Services Department announced policy changes will not affect privately funded research, and government funded research conducted by universities …

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