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Deaths from heart valve infections drop across U.S. overall, but surged among young adults

Deaths from heart valve infections drop across U.S. overall, but surged among young adults

Substance use disorder may be linked to more deaths from infective endocarditis among people ages 25-44, finds a new study in the Journal of the American Heart Association (AHA). News Release Research Highlights: An analysis of death certificate data from 1999 to 2020 showed a decline in deaths related to infective endocarditis throughout most of …

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New Report Outlines Most Common Symptoms Of 6 Cardiovascular Diseases

Lost Sense Of Smell May Be A Clue To Infection

News release highlights: A “state of the science” review details the most reported symptoms of 6 cardiovascular diseases (CVDs): heart attack, heart failure, valve disease, stroke, heart rhythm disorders, and peripheral artery and vein disease (PAD and PVD). There are important differences in symptoms between women and men. Depression, common across many CVDs, may influence …

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FDA Approves First in the World Device to Treat Patients with Congenital Heart Disease

FDA Approves First in the World Device to Treat Patients with Congenital Heart Disease

According to the Mach 26,2021 news release, the new implant device provides a less invasive option to treat pulmonary valve regurgitation for patients with a native or surgically-repaired right ventricular outflow tract. The approval comes following the release of pivotal trial data that was first reported at the virtual SCAI 2020 meeting. The US FDA has …

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