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Global Differences In Weekly Sleep Variability And Sleep Extension

Poor Sleep Linked To Years Of Poor Cardiovascular Health

Recent research published in Sleep Medicine has shown that people in Asia go to sleep later, have shorter sleep, and have lower sleep quality than those in other parts of the world. The work using objective measures of sleep rather than subjective reports also found that their sleep during the week is more variable and …

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Predicting Disease Susceptibility Through Changes in Cognitive Performance

5 Habits That Help To Enhance Brain And Mental Performance

Cognitive function and other physiological factors, such as stress levels, have long been associated with physiological health and immunocompetence. Markers of cognitive function, such as reaction time, vigilance, and processing speed, are central to human ability and optimal performance. Variability in these measures is common, as numerous environmental, physical, and mental factors can modify them, …

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Tachycardia And Hypoxemia


Measuring heart rate variability can assess autonomic nervous system function, this requires accurate measurement of the interval between successive heartbeats. Heart rate variability is one of the key parameters for assessing health status of the cardiovascular system, greater heart rate variability while at rest is typically indicative of better health, younger biological age, better aerobic …

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Heart Attacks May Be Prevented By Listening To Yoga Music Before Bed

Yoga For Beginners

New research suggests that listening to yoga music before bed could prevent heart attacks, hearing soothing, meditative music just before going to sleep increases heart rate variability; defined as time between organ’s beats and indicates the heart ability to change pumping speed in response to danger or periods of relaxation. Low heart rate variability raises …

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