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Flavonoid Rich Foods Reduce Risk Of All Cause Mortality

Fruits And Weight Loss

Flavonoids are bioactive compounds found within foods such as fruits, vegetables, tea, and red wine. Higher consumption of specific flavonoid rich foods and flavonoids have been linked to decreased risk of mortality from specific cancers and vascular diseases. Importance of flavonoid rich foods and flavonoids is not fully understood. To examine associations of intake of …

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A Single Common Genetic Variant Linked To 5 Vascular Diseases

Bioengineered Arteries Grown from Stem Cells

A common genetic variant in chromosome 6p24 has been implicated by genome wide studies to be associated with coronary artery disease, cervical artery dissection, migraine headache, hypertension, and fibromuscular dysplasia. Exactly how it is that this polymorphism affects the risks for so many diseases is not clear. As published in the journal Cell, this DNA …

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Single Men & Women at Increased Risk of Heart Conditions

Single Men & Women at Increased Risk of Heart Conditions

People who are married have lower rates of several cardiovascular diseases, as compared with those who are single, divorced or widowed. A study assessing records of over 3.5 million Americans reports that marriage associates with lower heart risks than for those who are single, divorced, or widowed.  Carlos L. Alviar from New York University Langone …

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At-Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Helps to Spot Cognitive Decline

Vitamin C Helps to Regulate Blood Pressure

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring helps to predict white matter lesions on MRI, a marker of mobility and cognitive decline. At-home (ambulatory) blood pressure monitoring is a readily accessible method for health assessment.  William B. White, from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine (Connecticut, USA), and colleagues, evaluated 72 men and women, ages 75 to …

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Tomato Compound Combats Vascular Diseases

Antioxidant-rich Diet Helps to Improve Asthma

Tomatoes are rich in 9-oxo-octadecadienoic acid, a compound that Japanese researchers find exert anti-dyslipidemic effects. Tomato is one of the most common crops worldwide, and numerous previous studies document that the fruit contains many beneficial compounds that improve abnormalities of lipid metabolism. Teruo Kawada, from Kyoto University (Japan), and colleagues explored the role of tomato …

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Inflammatory Protein Linked to Difficulties with Thinking Skills


C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation that has been associated with an increased risk of dementia, may exacerbate problems with executive thinking skills. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker of inflammation and vascular disease that has been associated with an increased risk of dementia.  Heike Wersching, from University of Muenster (Germany), and colleagues studied 447 …

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