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Is Heart Disease in the DNA?

Is Heart Disease in the DNA?

A genetic variant occurring in a significant number of people with heart disease appears to raise the odds for heart attack or death by 38%. Duke University (North Carolina, USA) researchers offer a potential new explanation for a biological predisposition to heart disease and early death. Beverly Brummett and colleagues conducted genetic analyses on more …

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Apple A Day May Keep Heart Problems Away

Apple A Day May Keep Heart Problems Away

Adults ages 50 years and older may benefit from eating an apple a day, to the extent of exerting an equivalent effect to statins for cardiovascular disease. Recommending an apple a day to all adults ages 50 years and over may prevent or delay approximately 8,500 deaths due to heart attacks and strokes every year, …

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Heart Disease Risk Rises with Osteoarthritis

For Knee Condition, Supplement Shows “Comparable Efficacy” to Drug

People who are affected by osteoarthritis of the hip or knee are at elevated risk for ischemic heart disease and congestive heart failure. Recently, scientists suggest that inflammation plays a role in osteoarthritis, considered most often to be a disease of “wear and tear.”  M. Mushfiqur Rahman, from the University of British Columbia (Canada), and …

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More Magnesium May Lower Death Risk

More Magnesium May Lower Death Risk

Increased dietary intake of magnesium may reduce mortality, among people at high cardiovascular risk. A growing body of evidence suggests that magnesium associates with heart health benefits, including to modulate blood pressure, inhibit platelet aggregation, and improve endothelial function. Spanish researchers completed a prospective study of subjects enrolled in the Prevention con Dieta Mediterranea (PREDIMED) …

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Physical Activity Reduces Heart Injury

Physical Activity Reduces Heart Injury

Older sedentary adults can reduce potential injury to the heart via regular moderate-intensity exercise. Moderate physical activity in sedentary older adults reduces the progression of injury to the heart, submits Christopher DeFilippi from the University of Maryland Medical Center (Maryland, USA), and colleagues.  In a pilot study, 310 adults 70 years and older with a …

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Healthy Gums for Healthy Heart

Healthy Gums for Healthy Heart

As gum health improves, the progression of atherosclerosis slows to a clinically significant degree. Atherosclerosis, or the narrowing of arteries through the build-up of plaque, is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and death. While data among anti-aging dental specialists suggests a causal connection between periodontal disease and heart disease, Moïse Desvarieux, from …

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Active Leisure Time Improves Metabolic & Cardiovascular Health

Active Leisure Time Improves Metabolic & Cardiovascular Health

Seniors who maintain a high daily level of non-exercise physical activity are better able to maintain healthy metabolic and cardiovascular biomarkers. Previously, number of studies have suggested a correlation between a sedentary lifestyle and increased risks of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.  Elin Ekblom-Bak, from the Karolinska University Hospital (Sweden), and colleagues analyzed data collected on …

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Low Fiber Linked to Cardiovascular Disease Risks

The Fiber Factor

Diets low in fiber may increase a person’s’ cardiometabolic risks including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular inflammation, and obesity. Dietary fiber, which previous studies have shown may assist in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and inflammation, is thought to play an important role in reducing cardiovascular risk. Cheryl R. Clark, from Harvard Medical School (Massachusetts, USA), and …

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Sea Buckthorn Berries Improve Cardiometabolic Markers

Sea Buckthorn Berries Improve Cardiometabolic Markers

Daily consumption of sea buckthorn berries and its extracts may promote metabolic and heart health, among overweight women. The deciduous shrub Hippophae (family Elaeagnacea) yields sea buckthorn berries – abundant in Vitamin C as well as flavanols. Petra S. Larmo, from the University of Turku (Finland), and colleagues  analyzed the effects of sea buckthorn and …

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Ginkgo Extract May Combat Dementia

Ginkgo Extract May Combat Dementia

A standardized extract of ginkgo biloba, improved the proliferation of neural stem cells in the subependymal zone of vascular dementia, in a lab animal model. Neural stem cells proliferate in the subventricular zone and hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult mammals.  Because the number of endogenous neural stem cells is insufficient to prevent cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injuries …

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