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Surprising Findings Revealed On How Salt Affects Blood Flow In The Brain

Salt Found To Cause Hypertension Via Deficiency of Anti-Aging Factor Klotho

A first-of-its-kind study led by researchers at Georgia State reveals surprising new information about the relationship between neuron activity and blood flow deep in the brain, as well as how the brain is affected by salt consumption. When neurons are activated, it typically produces a rapid increase of blood flow to the area. This relationship …

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Water May Be An Effective Treatment For Metabolic Syndrome

Flint Residents Given The Green Light To Sue EPA

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have discovered that fructose stimulates the release of vasopressin, a hormone linked to obesity and diabetes. They also found that water can suppress the hormone and alleviate these conditions in mice. “The clinical significance of this work is that it may encourage studies to evaluate whether …

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Pucker Up And Plant A Smooch

Pucker Up And Plant A Smooch

Kissing is one the the simplest forms to express appreciation, love and affection to those around us. It may have even included kissing a few people on the cheek in polite simple greeting depending on where one is from.   People want to kiss children, babies, pets, friends, and our partners. Engaging in a mutual …

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