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Groundbreaking News: First In-Utero Brain Surgery

IMC Has Taken The First Step To Challenge The FDA

According to an American Heart Association release, a fetal intervention team successfully devised a pioneering in-utero procedure recently used during a first-of-its-kind fetal procedure to fix a potentially deadly vascular malformation in the brain, with hopes of avoiding heart failure and brain injury after birth, the groundbreaking procedure has been published in the journal Stroke …

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Obstructive sleep apnoea linked to increased risk of cancer, a decline in mental processing powers and an increased risk of blood clots

Sleep Apnea Wreaks Havoc on Your Metabolism

People who suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) are at an increased risk of cancer, according to a large study presented at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress in Barcelona, Spain [1]. A second study showed that OSA was also linked to a decline in processing powers in the elderly; in particular, those aged …

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Less Invasive Procedures To Restore Leg Blood Flow May Be As Good As Surgery

According to a study published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes beginning with less invasive procedures to restore leg blood flow is suggested to be as good as voiding amputation as starting with open surgery. It is projected the number of those who will undergo amputation will more than double by 2050 to reach 3.6 …

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