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Injectable Hydrogel Mitigates Damage To The Heart

Injectable Hydrogel Mitigates Damage To The Heart

According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Basic to Translational Science, an injectable hydrogel can mitigate damage to the right ventricle of the heart with chronic pressure overload. The FDA approved an investigational new drug application for the Emory and Georgia Tech researchers to begin a clinical trial in …

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Dementia Risk May Be Higher If An Upper Heart Chamber Is Abnormal

Using Heart Energy To Power Life Saving Devices

Structural or functional abnormalities within the heart’s left atrium, with or without symptoms, may increase a person’s risk of developing dementia later in life by 35%, according to new research published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association, an open access, peer-reviewed journal of the American Heart Association. Dementia risk increased even among …

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Risk Factors For Heart Disease Change Heart Structure And Appearance

Risk Factors For Heart Disease Change Heart Structure And Appearance

A new study led by researchers at the Queen Mary University of London suggests that certain risk factors for heart disease are linked to common changes in the structure and appearance of the heart. Risk factors for heart disease including male sex, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking were linked to a darker …

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Scientists Show How AI May Spot Unseen Signs Of Heart Failure

Scientists Show How AI May Spot Unseen Signs Of Heart Failure

A special artificial intelligence (AI)-based computer algorithm created by Mount Sinai researchers was able to learn how to identify subtle changes in electrocardiograms (also known as ECGs or EKGs) to predict whether a patient was experiencing heart failure. “We showed that deep-learning algorithms can recognize blood pumping problems on both sides of the heart from …

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