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Medication Safety Guide for Veterans Suffering From PTSD

Coping with PTSD Naturally

Medication Safety Guide for Veterans Suffering From PTSD, Anxiety & Depression     About 3.5% of U.S. adults have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to the American Psychiatric Association (APA).Veterans in particular are affected by PTSD. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): 11% to 20% of veterans who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and …

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helping Our Veteran’s Invisible Wounds Of War

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helping Our Veteran’s Invisible Wounds Of War

Often when brave soldiers come home from serving they have encountered lasting concussion, brain trauma, and mental anguish. More than often our Veterans of war are exposed to explosions and situations in these war torn settings the average person couldn’t begin to imagine. Soldiers who make it home may be missing limbs or all intact, …

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Namath Says His Brain Is Healthy Again After Oxygen Treatment

Namath Says His Brain Is Healthy Again After Oxygen Treatment

Joe Namath has spoke out about the beneficial effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments. The former quarterback has sustained at least five concussions during his NFL career to add to the many other occasions he took hard hits to the head. Repeat battering left the former Super Bowl winning player with memory loss and other …

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