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Potential Benefits Of Vinegar

Potential Benefits Of Vinegar

Vinegar is available in a variety of types with uses ranging from health benefits to cooking and cleaning to jock itch, constipation, and weed killer. It appears as if vinegar may be having a moment in the sun as it is hard to find a magazine display without a headline speaking about the healing or …

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Vinegar Vexes Bacteria

Vinegar Vexes Bacteria

Acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar, can effectively kill mycobacteria, even the kind that causes tuberculosis. Mycobacterium are a type of germ, pathogens that are capable of causing serious diseases in mammals.  The most notable kind of mycobacterium is Mycobacterium tuberculosis – which causes tuberculosis (TB), and has become highly drug-resistant.   As well, non-TB …

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