Since 1996 WHN is the second oldest medical website on the net, second only to the American Medical Association, servicing over 35,000 physicians and scientists worldwide.

Non-Profit Trusted Source of Non-Commercial Health Information

Unlocking the Full Potential of Telemedicine: 3 Tips for Maximizing Your Virtual Healthcare Experience

Remote Telepractice Technology is Sparking a Speech Teletherapy Surge

Over the last several years, telemedicine has become a more prominent part of the general medical landscape. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became one of the most practical ways for patients to interact with healthcare services, because it minimized exposure to the virus. Today, telehealth offers the convenience of attending appointments from the comfort of …

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The Digital Edge: The Transformative Power of Developing a Virtual Network to Elevate Your Practice

The Digital Edge: The Transformative Power of Developing a Virtual Network to Elevate Your Practice

In this blog series, we provide health professionals with practical and effective strategies, coupled with exclusive industry insights, to empower them in expanding their reach to prospective patients. Our goal is to equip practitioners with essential knowledge and tools that will assist them in engaging with their target audience, positioning themselves as leaders in the …

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Looking At Art Can Help Improve Moods And Well-Being

It is not that big of a surprise to find out that looking at art can have a positive effect on our moods, but does this also apply when we are looking at art virtually? The findings of this study published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior expand insight into the limitations and benefits …

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Yoga May Help To Ease Anxiety And Improve Memory

Yoga May Help To Ease Anxiety And Improve Memory

According to a study published in the Journal of Behavior Medicine, led by researchers from the University of Illinois-Champaign, stressed-out people may be able to find relief from stress within the comforts of their own homes with a virtual yoga program.  Mindfulness practices have been demonstrated to have various benefits including helping to promote a …

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LongevityFest 2022 Live

LongevityFest 2022 Live

THIS YEAR’S ANNUAL WORLD CONGRESS IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WILL BE EXTRAORDINARY IN MANY WAYS, AS WE CELEBRATE OUR PAST WHILE BUILDING ON THE FOUNDATION OF 30 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE. You want to attend but can’t because you’re busy. We get it. You don’t have time to travel, book arrangements, or even clear your inbox. So …

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Three top tips to get started with virtual exercising at home

Preventing Childhood Obesity Requires Changes In Parents’ And Clinicians’ Early-Life Care

Throughout the pandemic, many of us turned to home exercise in order to stay in shape and boost our mood when we couldn’t get out to the gym. Now, many things have changed, but virtual exercise still remains a great choice for people who prefer the freedom of working out at home or don’t have …

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The Value Of Understanding Global Health Delivery Options

What Clinicians Need to Know About Mounting Healthcare Cyberattacks

There’s a lot of misinformation about getting healthcare online that can lead people down the wrong paths with their health. There are also a lot of people who don’t have access to the internet, or who can’t find doctors to treat them in their rural communities. With all of that in mind, though, there are …

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How Will the Medical Industry Change in the Coming Years?

Profit To Be Made In Sickness And Poor Health

Medical science is at the forefront of human evolution, with ancient traditional medicine dating as far back as the third century BC. Humans have been both fascinated with how the body works and equally terrified of all that plagues it. After all, without our health, our species wouldn’t survive.  Medicinal remedies and ailments were even …

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Humanizing Virtual Care for Patient Satisfaction

Humanizing Virtual Care for Patient Satisfaction

Although only 8% of American patients had previously attended a telehealth visit before the pandemic, up to 83% expect to continue telehealth visits even after the pandemic subsides. In 2019, only 28% of physicians reported using telehealth technologies. Now, virtual consultations and online visits are beginning to replace the traditional model of in-office appointments. Growing …

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What to Expect at the 2020: Medicine Revolutionized; Longevity, Aging, and Immuno Competency Event

What to Expect at the 2020: Medicine Revolutionized; Longevity, Aging, and Immuno Competency Event

Our latest online virtual conference 2020: Medicine Revolutionized | Longevity, Aging and Immuno Competency (LAIC) is taking place next week, August 21 & 22. This revelatory event will connect healthcare professionals with the latest clinical education to support the current and changing needs of patients and clinicians alike. At our novel educational event, world-renowned faculty …

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