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How Older Adults Can Protect Their Eyes In The Digital Age

How Older Adults Can Protect Their Eyes In The Digital Age

Digital devices have become indispensable in today’s technology-driven society. The number of older adults who use devices has grown, and more have adopted innovations like smartphones and tablets. Around 96% of adults ages 50 to 64 and 75% of 65 and older use the internet, and 83% of those 50 to 64 and 61% of …

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Screen Time Effects on Eyes and How to Prevent Them

Screen Time Effects on Eyes and How to Prevent Them

An average American spends about 5 hours and 24 minutes on their phone every day. With so much time spent staring at screens, you might wonder: can all that screen time mess up our eyesight? There’s a lot of buzz about how our digital habits affect our health. Some studies have proven that extensive use …

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Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Diabetes is a chronic condition that can adversely affect the heart, nerves, and other vital components of the body. The complications associated with diabetes can be life-changing. Even your eyes aren’t safe if you have developed that aforementioned disease. Many people generally know that diabetes is bad for the eyes, but they may not fully …

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Reading Glasses: A High-Return Option for Those with Eye Issues

Reading Glasses: A High-Return Option for Those with Eye Issues

Reading glasses have become an increasingly popular tool for helping people to see small text and focus on fine details. In the United States alone, around 32.6 million people wear over-the-counter reading glasses, according to a report by The Vision Council. The same report mentioned that older adults are particularly fond of wearing reading glasses …

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Digital Eye Strain: How to Protect Your Eyes from Screens

Overlooking The Importance Of Eye Health

Computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones have become daily working essentials. While these digital technologies have helped people stay efficient, they can also cause health problems such as Digital Eye Strain (DES). Digital Eye Strain (DES) or computer vision syndrome refers to several eye conditions caused by high screen time. Without proper screen time management, digital …

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Breakthrough paves the way for next generation of vision implants

Eye-opening discovery about adult brain's ability to recover vision

A group of researchers from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, the University of Freiburg, and the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have created an exceptionally small implant, with electrodes the size of a single neuron that can also remain intact in the body over time — a unique combination that holds promise for future vision …

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Nearsightedness is at epidemic levels – and the problem begins in childhood

Children With ‘Lazy Eye' At Increased Risk Of Disease In Adulthood

Myopia, or the need for corrected vision to focus or see objects at a distance, has become a lot more common in recent decades. Some even consider myopia, also known as nearsightedness, an epidemic. Optometry researchers estimate that about half of the global population will need corrective lenses to offset myopia by 2050 if current …

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Three Reasons That Highlight How Crucial Regular Eye Exams Are

Could Bizarre Visual Symptoms Be a Telltale Sign of Alzheimer’s?

Healthy vision is essential for interacting with the world. Without it, kids face slowed development, adults can encounter employment and mental health difficulties, and seniors become more vulnerable to social isolation, accidents, and injuries. Despite this, plenty of people continue to neglect their eye health. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that over 2.2 billion …

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How Kidney Disease Patients Can Better Manage Their Retinal Health

The Benefits of Donning Prescription Sunglasses for Vision Correction and Protection

Beyond being the main organs for visual processing and sight, the eyes can serve as windows to overall health and wellness. For instance, 3D eye scans are commonly used to track the early signs and progression of kidney disease. Specifically, retinal changes have been observed among patients with different stages of kidney disease, thus offering …

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The Benefits of Wearing Gaming Glasses

The Benefits of Wearing Gaming Glasses

IMAGE: This image was created by WHN using our AdobeStock account AI generative credits and was generated with Adobe Firefly on 3/19/2024. Video games are one of the most popular digital activities in the country, with the Entertainment Software Association reporting that 212 million Americans play them regularly. A whopping 96% believe that video games …

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