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The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

A Look Inside the Exclusive World of Elite Longevity Clinics The field of longevity medicine is experiencing a surge in growth, with a focus on health optimization, disease prevention, and the desire to combat aging gaining momentum across the population. This pursuit of longevity has particularly captured the attention of the wealthy, as evidenced by …

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Safeguard Your Sleep To Feel Younger

An Unhealthy Diet May Be Keeping You From Getting Quality Sleep

Feeling sleepy can make you feel older than you are, and feeling you is not just a matter of perception, it is related to objective health outcomes. Studies have shown that feeling younger than your age is associated with living a longer and healthier life, there is even evidence that suggests that subjective age can …

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Eating Kiwi Could Make A Difference To How You Feel

Eating Kiwi Could Make A Difference To How You Feel

Eating this furry fruit may help to improve your mental health quickly, according to a study recently published in The British Journal of Nutrition from the University of Otago, finding that kiwifruit improved vitality and mood in as little as four days.  “It’s great for people to know that small changes in their diet, like …

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People Living In This Valley Are Longevity Warriors

People Living In This Valley Are Longevity Warriors

There is a little-known remote mountainous area called the Hunza Valley which is located north of Pakistan where people live longer and seem to defy medical odds. This area is primarily home to the Wakhi and Burusho people who have survived and thrived for centuries in these remote villages with minimal amenities and rudimentary health …

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The Art of Aging Gracefully: Embracing Positive Mindset and Aging

Staying Positive

In a society obsessed with youth and fleeting beauty, the concept of aging gracefully seems elusive to many. However, there is an art to navigating the journey of getting older with poise and confidence. Embracing a positive mindset is at the core of this art, empowering us to cherish the wisdom and experiences that come …

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Stem Cells And Runaway Blood Sugar

Vascular Wall Resident Stem Cells

Stems cells are natural, they are in your cells, already existing within you, and may be the solution for some to blood sugar, abdominal weight gain, heart concerns, low energy, brain fog and many other issues lies within combined with healthy lifestyle choices including nutrition, and being active. Pharma is scrambling to create stem cell …

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Nature Boosts Vitality

Nature Boosts Vitality

Spending just 20 minutes a day in a nature setting boosts feelings of vitality and energy. Previously, researchers in the field of experimental psychology have associated spending time in a nature setting with increased energy and heightened sense of well-being, and have even reported that the activity of simply recalling outdoor experiences increases feelings of …

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