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Low Vitamin D Levels Raise Depression Risk


People deficient in Vitamin D are at greater risk of depression, as compared to those with adequate levels of the vitamin. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and experts estimate that within 20 years more people will be affected by depression than any other health problem. Vijay Ganji, from Georgia State University (Georgia, …

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Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Earlier Death


Among men, Australian researchers find that lower levels of vitamin D are linked to higher risks of earlier death. In that increasing age and parathyroid hormone levels both have positive relationships with the risk of death, and inverse relationships with vitamin D levels, Nguyen Nguyen, from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Australia), and colleagues …

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Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Depression


Older men and women with low levels of vitamin D in their blood are more likely to suffer from depression than those with higher levels of the vitamin. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to depression in older adults. Dr Luigi Ferrucci of the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore (US) and colleagues …

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