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Midlife Obesity Linked To Heightened Frailty Risk In Older Age

Midlife Obesity Linked To Heightened Frailty Risk In Older Age

Carrying far too much weight, including a midriff bulge, from mid-life onwards, is linked to a heightened risk of physical frailty in older age, finds research published in the open access journal BMJ Open. Frailty is often wrongly perceived as a purely wasting disorder, say the researchers, who emphasise the importance of keeping trim throughout …

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Calcium Plus Vitamin D Promote Trim Waistline

The Stress – Obesity Connection

Daily supplementation of calcium plus vitamin D helps to slim fat around the waistline. Previously, studies have suggested a role for calcium and vitamin D supplementation to promote healthy weight. Lee M Kaplan, from Massachusetts General Hospital (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues enrolled 171 overweight/obese men and women, average age 40 years, in a 16 week …

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