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Therapeutic Use Of Honey In Modern Times

Sweet Dreams Are Made From These

Honey has a long history of use, having been utilized in ancient times for its therapeutic and nutritional value. However, there are varied ways in which honey has been used and a source for controversy in its ability for therapeutic use. While most regard honey as a natural sweetener, honey also plays a role as …

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How to Boost Your Circulation Naturally and Why it is Important

Restoring Blood Flow To The Brain

Blood circulation is essential to maintaining excellent health and having your body at its optimal best. However, we tend to neglect this and only pay attention to it once certain bodily functions fail. As a result, we greatly risk our health and find ourselves dealing with different illnesses. Proper blood circulation is vital to avoid …

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6 Lifestyle Changes for Anti-Aging Benefits That are Proven to be Impactful

Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

Can aging be reversed or rather prevented? This is a question that most people battle with when looking to invest in their longevity. Aging is normal for all human beings and can be affected by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.  These factors play a huge role in contributing to the appearance of signs of aging. …

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Breaking Down Health + Fitness During Pregnancy: What To Know

Breaking Down Health + Fitness During Pregnancy: What To Know

Staying healthy and fit during pregnancy is often easier said than done. Between the morning sickness and fatigue of the first trimester and the back pain later on, working out and eating right can be tough.  But of course, you’ll want to maintain your health and fitness as much as possible throughout your pregnancy because …

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