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Life Hacks From Okinawa Centenarian Women

Life Hacks From Okinawa Centenarian Women

Okinawa, Japan has one of the greatest concentrations of centenarian women in the world, while they may not be sorceresses with spells and potions to offer immediate immortality, if you take the time to listen to them they can offer some useful tips for life and longevity.  Okinawa’s main staple is sweet potatoes which are …

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Longevity Warriors

Longevity Protein’s Secrets Revealed

According to a study of close to 4000 longevity warriors the death rate slows after hitting 105 and the odds of living to be 110+ level out if one can survive the perilous 90s, as published in the journal Science. Researchers from the University of California and University of Rome tracked death trajectories of close …

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