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Battling Bloat

Listening to Your Body: Recognizing and Addressing Symptoms of GERD

At one point or another, almost everyone experiences a bout with battling gas and bloating. Bloating can make your abdomen feel larger than it is, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that your abdomen is distended. However, if you are struggling with bloating regularly it could be a symptom of a medical condition such as IBS …

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Microplastics make their way from the gut to other organs

Are Plastic Bottles and Packaged Foods Poisoning Your Arteries? -- YES

It’s happening every day. From our water, our food and even the air we breathe, tiny plastic particles are finding their way into many parts of our body. But what happens once those particles are inside? What do they do to our digestive system? In a recent paper published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, …

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Smartphone Compass May Assist In Managing Diabetes

Puzzle Game Aims To Crowdsource A COVID-19 Cure

Most smartphones have a built-in compass or magnetometer that detects the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field to help with the user’s navigation. Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report their proof-of-concept study in Nature Communications, developing a technique using a modern cell phone magnetometer to measure the concentration of glucose, …

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Staying Hydrated Is Important To Your Body And Mind

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water to Start Your Day

Have you ever been tired or stressed out from a long day that you’re dragging your feet around, but then you take a big sip of cold refreshing water and find yourself immediately starting to feel better? Would you be surprised to find out that this is pretty common? According to a random double opt-in …

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Biophilia: The Benefits Of Bringing Nature Inside

Biophilia: The Benefits Of Bringing Nature Inside

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines biophilia as a hypothetical human tendency to interact or be closely associated with other forms of life in nature: a desire or tendency to commune with nature. The term was coined by the Harvard naturalist Dr. Edward O. Wilson to describe what he saw as humanity’s “innate tendency to focus on …

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Study estimates nearly 70 percent of children under six in Chicago may be exposed to lead-contaminated tap water

Excess fluoride linked to cognitive impairment in children

A new analysis led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimates that 68 percent of Chicago children under age six live in households with tap water containing detectable levels of lead. For their analysis, the researchers used machine learning, an artificial intelligence technique, to gauge likely levels of lead in …

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People Living In This Valley Are Longevity Warriors

People Living In This Valley Are Longevity Warriors

There is a little-known remote mountainous area called the Hunza Valley which is located north of Pakistan where people live longer and seem to defy medical odds. This area is primarily home to the Wakhi and Burusho people who have survived and thrived for centuries in these remote villages with minimal amenities and rudimentary health …

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Triggers That Make People Take Their Health More Seriously

Triggers That Make People Take Their Health More Seriously

Let’s face it, visiting their doctor isn’t something that most people look forward to. Getting a child to go without a struggle is hard enough but when they become teenagers it is even harder, and this trend typically continues into adulthood. Not surprisingly, according to a random double opt-in survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf …

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Spit Happens: The Surprising Importance of Saliva

Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis Via The Tongue

Do you have a favorite food that makes your mouth water? The liquid that fills your mouth is called saliva. This remarkable fluid helps you digest food and stay healthy. Saliva, or spit, has many important roles. It helps to moisten food, which affects its flavor and makes it easier to swallow. It contains proteins …

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A Skin Expert Warns That Most People’s Showering Techniques Need Improvement

Bathing Before Bed May Improve Sleep Quality

In this article, dermatologist Dr. Alia Ahmed reveals how most people’s showering habits aren’t scrubbing up to par, from using too much product to missing body parts, this skin expert says most people have developed the wrong kind of showering techniques and she recommends some skin-friendly habits. Her concern and advice follow the results from …

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