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Scrap the nap: Study shows short naps don't relieve sleep deprivation

Reason For Taking A Nap May Have Been Made Even Better

According to  Michigan State University, short naps of up to 60 minutes in duration do not mitigate the effects of a night of sleep deprivation, a new study reports. However, the amount of slow-wave sleep achieved during a nap was related to reduced impairments associated with sleep deprivation. A nap during the day won’t restore …

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An Epidemiologist Weighs In On What Makes A “Wave” Of Disease

COVID-19: New Test Targets Unique Region Of Spike Protein

Adding to the confusion regarding this outbreak is a lack of cohesive leadership nationwide, plus the flip flopping decisions and announcements regarding certain measures really are not helping the public. Now we have increased talk about a second wave causing even more panic. Vice President Mike Pence who is heading up the “COVID-19 task force” …

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How Sleep Cleans Toxins From The Brain

How Sleep Cleans Toxins From The Brain

A study published in the journal Science from the laboratories at Boston University suggests that synchronized brain waves of non-REM sleep may play an important role in preventing toxins from accumulating in the brain.  When you are trying to map out what is happening in slumbering brains you end up making some sacrifices to your …

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Can People Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field?

Can People Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field?

Humans may just have magnetoreception abilities according to a study published in eNeuro, based on analysis of brain waves when subjects were surrounded by different magnetic fields that suggests people may have a “sixth sense” for magnetism. Some animals can sense the Earth’s magnetic field and use it for navigation, scientists have long wondered whether …

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