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The Digital Edge: The Transformative Power of Developing a Virtual Network to Elevate Your Practice

The Digital Edge: The Transformative Power of Developing a Virtual Network to Elevate Your Practice

In this blog series, we provide health professionals with practical and effective strategies, coupled with exclusive industry insights, to empower them in expanding their reach to prospective patients. Our goal is to equip practitioners with essential knowledge and tools that will assist them in engaging with their target audience, positioning themselves as leaders in the …

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The Digital Edge: Building and Growing Your Online Presence for Practice Success


In today’s digital age, medical professionals must maneuver an ever-evolving healthcare landscape, particularly in their efforts to attract and retain patients. Relying solely on word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals is no longer sufficient for achieving practice growth. The online realm has become a challenging battleground for health practitioners vying for prospective patients’ increasingly fragmented attention and …

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Majority of American Adults Rely on Internet for Health Information

Majority of American Adults Rely on Internet for Health Information

US National Health Interview Survey reveals that more than half of American adults use the Internet to look up health information. In that an estimated 74% of adults in the U.S. use the Internet, The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) collected data on the use of health information technologies (HIT), or applications of information processing …

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