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How Liposuction Could Help Sculpt Your Body

How Liposuction Could Help Sculpt Your Body

Diet and exercise can go a long way toward helping you get the sculpted body you want. However, there are times when those methods just aren’t enough. You could still end up with areas where you have more body fat than you want, and treating those areas can give you more confidence and comfort. Liposuction …

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Recognizing Hernia Awareness Month In June

Recognizing Hernia Awareness Month In June

What Is a Hernia?  A hernia is a common medical condition. The National Center for Health Statistics has reported that there are over five million people in the United States suffering from a hernia, yet only about 15% of them seek treatment for the condition.  A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue pushes …

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The Vicious Twins: Hypertension and Obesity In America

The Vicious Twins: Hypertension and Obesity In America

America is facing a rapid increase in obesity and morbid obesity, in fact, it’s an epidemic. Both obesity and hypertension (high blood pressure) are serious health issues that can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Obesity and hypertension have been linked in many studies, and studies have also shown that weight gain is associated …

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Age-Related Changes In Lipid Metabolism

Age-Related Changes In Lipid Metabolism

Researchers from RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Science (IMS) report discovering numerous changes in the lipid metabolism of mice, across both organs and sexes. Among the changes described in Nature Aging was the selective accumulation throughout the body of certain lipids produced by the gut bacteria with age, as well as a sex difference in …

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Doctors Are Not Taught Enough About Nutrition In Medical School

Schooling Linked To Longevity And Slowed Aging

BMI and weight don’t necessarily predict the total picture of health. Yet those in med school are still taught to tell patients to lose weight because the training focuses on weight and BMI exacerbating anti-obesity bias and increasing the risk of eating disorders. However, that same training doesn’t really provide the medical students adequate education …

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Prescribing Behavioral Changes: Lifestyle Medicine

Prescribing Behavioral Changes: Lifestyle Medicine

Rather than treating the symptoms of the disease, some doctors treat for health to target the root causes of the disease. When doctors treat for health rather than disease, it is sometimes called lifestyle medicine, and this is a specialty within the field of modern medicine. Lifestyle medicine uses therapeutic lifestyle interventions as a primary …

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Can diet help with advanced breast cancer? All indications are positive

Working Out To Fight Back Against Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Women with breast cancer who exclusively ate a whole-foods, plant-based diet lost weight, improved cholesterol levels and other key metabolic factors, had less fatigue, and perceived that they felt sharper mentally and generally more well. The outcomes are from a small study by researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Wilmot Cancer Institute. …

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Debunking Big Myths About Fruits and Weight Loss

We’ve heard many people on social media—even fitness influencers—say something like, “Stop eating fruits if you want to lose weight!” “Here are the reasons why fruits aren’t as good as you think,” and so on.  Even whole foods like fruits have their own set of myths surrounding them when it comes to weight loss. But …

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Sun Protection, Stress Management, and Other Anti-Aging Habits to Practice Daily

Sun Protection, Stress Management, and Other Anti-Aging Habits to Practice Daily

Despite health and technological advancements that have increased the average life expectancy over the years, accelerated aging remains a prevalent health concern. A previous post discussed how increased biological age, an indicative sign of accelerated aging, may increase the risk of cancers in younger generations, particularly adults under the age of 55. Specifically, accelerated aging …

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Males Are Genetically Programmed To Burn More Fat While Females Recycle It

Do Women Age Differently From Men?

Research recently published in Nature Metabolism exploring how exercise affects the body reveals another male-female difference, suggesting that when vigorously working out, males are programmed to burn more fat while females are programmed to recycle it, at least in rats. Building on the findings from the rats, the researchers are now studying over 1,500 humans …

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