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Burnout: Are You Putting Effort Into Exercising?

Hit A Plateau On Your Fitness Path???

Did you used to exercise more but now find yourself not really trying because you are sidelined with burnout? According to a random double opt-in survey of 2,000 American women conducted by OnePoll on behalf of INTIMINA, you are not alone, 7 in 10 women confessed to not putting enough effort into exercising, 46% don’t …

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Weight Lowering: Bigger Muscles In Half The Time?

How Arnold Became Arnold

Are you looking to bulk up a little but you are running low on time? According to recent research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology you may be able to get bigger muscles in half of the time, researchers suggest that weight lowering rather than lifting them is the key to boosting muscle …

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Weights Can Be Weapons In The Battle Against Obesity

Study: exercise is more critical than diet to maintain weight loss

Despite the commonly held belief aerobic exercise is essential for weight loss, an Edith Cowan University (ECU) study conducted at the Exercise Medicine Research Institute (EMRI) has found resistance training can also have positive results — in conjunction with reducing calorie intake. Lead researcher and Ph.D. student Pedro Lopez said the findings showed resistance training …

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No Time To Exercise? What About Three Seconds A Day?

No Time To Exercise? What About Three Seconds A Day?

Lifting weights for as little as three seconds a day can have a positive impact on muscle strength, a new study from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has discovered. A collaboration with researchers from Niigata University of Health and Welfare (NUHW) in Japan had 39 healthy university students perform one muscle contraction at maximum effort for …

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New UK Study Offers Insight on How Resistance Training Burns Fat

How Arnold Became Arnold

Findings from a new University of Kentucky College of Medicine and College of Health Sciences study add to growing evidence that resistance exercise has unique benefits for fat loss. The Department of Physiology and Center for Muscle Biology study published in the FASEB Journal found that resistance-like exercise regulates fat cell metabolism at a molecular …

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Maintain Your Muscle: Strength Training At Any Age

How Arnold Became Arnold

You’ve likely heard that exercise can help you live a longer, healthier life. When you hear the word ‘exercise,’ you might think of going for a run or hopping on a bicycle. Or maybe playing soccer with your kids or basketball with your friends after work. But these activities don’t include all the types of …

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Weight Lifting Is Good For The Heart

Weight Lifting Is Good For The Heart

While weight lifting may not be for everyone, incorporating weights into an exercise routine every once in a while may go a long way towards improving heart health, according to a recent study from Iowa State University, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.  Lifting weights for less than one hour …

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Rise Of The Superfit Sixties

Fat Burning Exercises

Most people think about hanging up exercise gear in their 50s never mind the 60s, but in the modern day the numbers of older health conscious people make this a different story altogether. Modern day sixtysomethings are aware that age is not a deterrent to some of the most challenging athletic goals, and a new …

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Cardio Better Than Strength Training For Metabolism?

Cardio Better Than Strength Training For Metabolism?

Researchers have come closer to understanding the diverse effects of different forms of training, showing that cardio training on an exercise bike causes up to 3 times as much increase in production of FGF21 hormones which has positive effects on metabolism than that of strength training with weights, as published in the Journal of Clinical …

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Strength Training May Strengthen Life Span

Strength Training May Strengthen Life Span

As more motivation to add strengthening exercises to fitness plans new research from the University of Sydney shows strength training plays a role in decreasing risk of premature death from all causes, specifically when it comes to cancer, strength training may be even more beneficial than aerobics, as published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. …

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