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Is Memory Loss From Ambien Permanent?

Is Memory Loss From Ambien Permanent?

Most people who struggle with sleep disorders are well aware of the drug zolpidem tartrate, but they most likely know it by its brand name, Ambien. In fact, even if you do not struggle with a sleep disorder, chances are that you have heard of this drug. Ambien continues to be one of the most …

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How to Identify and Treat Alcohol Poisoning

How Much Alcohol Is Really OK?

Pushing our bodies beyond what they can handle can cause situations that range from dangerous to deadly. Alcohol consumption is no exception. And when we push our bodies to consume alcohol beyond what it can handle, the result is always dangerous, and too often, deadly. This is known as alcohol poisoning. Here’s what you need …

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Alcohol, Depression, and Sunshine: What’s the Connection?

Alcohol, Depression, and Sunshine: What’s the Connection?

Alcohol, depression, and sunshine. These sound like separate topics, right? But what if they aren’t? What if I told you that there is a very important connection between them- a link that can help us understand the effects of substance abuse and the value of the outdoors.  How Alcoholism is Linked to Depression It’s likely …

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