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Obesity linked to detection of blood cancer precursor

Vitamin C May Help Slay Blood Cancer Stem Cells

Individuals with obesity are more likely to have monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), a benign blood condition that often precedes multiple myeloma, according to new research published in Blood Advances. Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer of the plasma cells, a type of white blood cells that produce antibodies to fight infection. MGUS, characterized …

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Avoiding White Colored Foods

The No White Food Diet

The No White Food Diet or No White Diet is an eating pattern that is based upon the idea that eliminating all processed, white-colored foods from the daily diet can help promote weight loss and improve blood sugar control. The tops to avoid in this pattern are white flour, white rice, white salt, white sugar, …

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Simple Steps to Help Slow Down Aging

Simple Steps to Help Slow Down Aging

We could all live forever if only someone could find the fountain of youth, but we must continue to age until that day. While you can’t halt the inevitable aging process, you may take preventative measures to minimize its effects on your appearance, such as avoiding sun exposure and keeping your weight down. In reality, …

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Transplanting Cells Holds Promise For Obesity And Diabetes

Transplanting Cells Holds Promise For Obesity And Diabetes

 A report published in Science Translational Medicine describes a potential therapy for obesity involving transplantation of human brown-like fat cells and human white fat cells that have been genetically modified using CRISPR technology to become similar to heat-generating brown fat cells.  A group of scientists from Joslin Diabetes Center have delivered a proof of concept …

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The No White Food Diet

The No White Food Diet

The No White Food Diet is an eating pattern that is based upon the notion that eliminating all processed white coloured foods from the daily diet can help to promote weight loss and improved blood sugar control. The tops to avoid in this pattern are white flour, white rice, white salt, white sugar, and white …

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Gene Disabling Nanoparticles Prevent Obesity In Animal Studies

Nanotubes Gentler On Brain Tissue

Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine have been able to prevent mice from becoming obese even when on a high fat diet after disabling a gene in specific cells, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.  The activity of immune cell macrophages’ ASXL2 gene was blocked because they are key …

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Fat Cells Genes Punch The Clock

Fat Cells Genes Punch The Clock

Human fats cells have been found to have their own internal clocks and circadian rhythms which impact key metabolic functions and core aspects of cellular biochemistry by scientists from the University of Surrey who suggest their findings may provide new insights that may have clinical implications, as published in Scientific Reports. Aspects of metabolism vary …

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Exercise Triggers Fat To Release Protein That Improves Glucose Tolerance

Exercise Triggers Fat To Release Protein That Improves Glucose Tolerance

A protein released by fat tissues in response to exercise training acts to improve glucose tolerance and has other beneficial effects on metabolic health, as published in Nature Metabolism. Levels of transforming growth factor-beta 2 were observed to have increased in subcutaneous white adipose tissue and in the bloodstream during exercise; treatment using the adipokine …

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Could Obesity Be Fought With A Glaucoma Drug?

Could Obesity Be Fought With A Glaucoma Drug?

Scientists have been working on ways to turn unhealthy beige fat into energy burning brown fat to fight obesity. Yale University scientists claim to have found a target for preventing fat uptake at point of entry and a class of glaucoma drugs may help to accomplish the goal, as published in Science. Dietary fats carry …

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Inflammation: The Often Unknown Factor

Possible Off Switch For Inflammation

Inflammation can’t really be seen or felt, yet it may be hurting every part of your body; it’s the invisible health condition behind just about everything from heart disease to erectile dysfunction. A quick list of the usual causes will appear if one were to scan the obituaries stating cause such as stroke, cancer, heart …

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