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Unintended Consequences

Unintended Consequences

Note: The original article is published on the Foundation For Economic Education (FEE). This is an opinion piece adopted from Fee, and although it is using studies, it does not necessarily reflect that of WHN, this is merely a look at the current situation via a perspective/outlook different from what is being portrayed in the …

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W.H.O Warns About Economic Damage Due To Lockdowns As Primary Control Method

W.H.O Warns About Economic Damage Due To Lockdowns As Primary Control Method

The World Health Organization has warned leaders against relying on COVID-19 lockdowns as the primary method to tackle outbreaks after previously saying that countries should be careful how quickly they reopen, adding to statements made by officials causing confusion. W.H.O. special envoy Dr. David Nabarro said that such restrictive measures should only be used as …

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Chance of COVID Vaccine Being Highly Effective “Not Great”

Whooping Cough Outbreak Among 100% Vaccinated Students

According to White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chance of scientists creating a highly effective vaccine that would provide at least a 98% or greater guaranteed protection against COVID-19 are slim.  Around the globe scientists are hoping to develop a vaccine that would be at least 75% effective, but according to Fauci, who …

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W.H.O Suggests Asymptomatic Carrier Spread Of COVID-19 Is “Very Rare”?

America’s First Case Of Community Spread Coronavirus

W.H.O has announced that COVID-19 very rarely spreads through asymptomatic carriers, which was the entire reason why global authorities imposed shut downs, lock downs, social distancing, and masks.  Asymptomatic carriers are also why some are pushing for mandatory vaccinations and contact tracing. If the spread of this virus were limited to those with obvious symptoms …

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Scientists Conclude That It Is Unlikely To Have COVID-19 Twice

Scientists Conclude That It Is Unlikely To Have COVID-19 Twice

According to South Korean scientists a number of reported cases of COVID-19 patients relapsing after overcoming the disease were due to faulty testing; researchers at the South Korean CDC now say that it is impossible for COVID-19 to reactivate in human bodies.  In South Korea there have been over 10,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with …

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Peddling Disinformation on COVID-19

Peddling Disinformation on COVID-19

It appears as if fact checkers are becoming even more occupied as well as scientists and experts who are scrambling to correct incorrect statements which are naturally being amplified by partisan media, propagandists and some officials globally. From the moment COVID-19 hit some of the global administrations have appeared to be determined to portray an …

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CDC Says HIV Is Increasing Among Transgender Women

CDC Says HIV Is Increasing Among Transgender Women

New data from the US CDC shows 1 in 7 transgender women are infected with HIV, according to the publication of the 14% of transgender women 44% are African American and 26% are Hispanic/Latina; only 3% of transgender men have HIV. The CDC claims the reason why transgender women have disproportionately higher rates of HIV …

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Projected Lung Cancer Mortality Rates Among Women By 2030

Prevalence By Country Of Lifestyle Related Cancers

Projected global age standardized lung cancer mortality rates for women are estimated to increase by 43% by the year 2030 and global age standard breast cancer mortality rate is projected to decrease by 9%, according to analysis of data from 52 countries. In this study female lung and breast cancer mortality data was analyzed from …

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Disease X Warnings From WHO

Disease X Warnings From WHO

  World Health Organization has recorded a list of disease that cause outbreaks and epidemics among general populations, and is warning about a mysterious Disease X which is caused by a virus that can cause worldwide pandemic in the near future.   WHO created this list to record the pathogens which are likely to affect …

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Good for the Planet, Good for Human Health

Good for the Planet, Good for Human Health

World Health Organization official urges that health be taken into account in climate change mitigation strategies. Climate change poses an immediate and grave threat to the health and security of people around the world.  Efforts to achieve a low carbon economy may beneficially impact human health as well.  Professor Sir Andy Haines from the London …

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