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Taking Care Of Your Mental Health While Supporting An Elderly Family Member

Taking Care Of Your Mental Health While Supporting An Elderly Family Member

Whether the decision is based on financial or practical reasons, choosing to take care of a senior family member is often a natural course of action. While it can be incredibly rewarding and reassuring to know that they’re getting the support they need, there are also a lot of negative emotions attached to these circumstances. …

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How Taking Your Dog On Holiday Can Boost Your Mental Health

Dog Walking a Treat for Pet and Owner Alike

Deciding to include your dog in your travel plans inevitably means there will be a lot of extra hoops to jump through and obstacles to navigate during the planning process. However, all the added effort that goes into planning a puppy pilgrimage will be rewarded in the end, with this type of travel offering lots …

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5 Ways Fasting Can Help You Achieve Longevity and Optimal Health

Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss: How it works and Tips for Success

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of consuming unhealthy, processed foods and being constantly on the go. However, many people are adopting an ancient practice to achieve optimal health and longevity—fasting. This powerful tool, used for centuries by various cultures and religions, is now making a resurgence in mainstream health …

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Top Tips For Reducing Your Screen Time Habit

Top Tips For Reducing Your Screen Time Habit

Screen time has become a ubiquitous component of modern life, and while it can be used for productive and enjoyable purposes, it’s important to keep in mind how reliance on screens can impact our mental and physical well-being. Too much screen time can lead to eye strain, disrupted sleep, or even trouble focusing when not …

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Endocrine Disruptors: Phthalate exposure may increase diabetes risk in women

Endocrine Disruptors: Phthalate exposure may increase diabetes risk in women

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics may contribute to diabetes risk in women, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Phthalates are chemicals widely used in plastics such as personal care products, children’s toys, and food and beverage packaging. Phthalate exposure is associated with reduced fertility, diabetes, …

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What Are The Warning Signs Of Gout?

Gout: Possibly The Only Curable Form Of Arthritis

Gout is a type of arthritis that is typically less widely known, with many people not knowing what to look out for if they’re at risk. There are several factors that put you more at risk of developing gout – if you’re male, over 30, drink excessive amounts of alcohol, or have other specific health …

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What are the benefits of pets to families with young children?

What are the benefits of pets to families with young children?

Many families feel incomplete without a furry companion in the mix, but for pet-free families, the choice to adopt a new animal is a big one. A pet adds extra work and expense, but the benefits it can bring to a household with young kids are priceless. Here are four ways that a pet could …

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How To Look After Your Wellbeing While Planning A Wedding

Strategies To Help Slow Stress Eating

Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. But for many couples, the months leading up to the big day can be fraught with stress. From picking out the perfect venue to choosing your wedding party and sending out invitations, there’s a lot that goes into planning a wedding. There’s …

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How can you encourage kids to enjoy the great outdoors?

7 Adventure Sports That You Didn't Know Exist

Many kids these days are glued to their screens, whether it’s a TV, computer, tablet or phone. It’s no wonder that many children don’t have a strong connection to nature. However, there are many benefits to spending time outdoors, including improved mental and physical health. Even a short walk in the fresh air can be …

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How is noise pollution considered in modern construction?

Noise Complaints: Taking On Tinnitus

Noise pollution is a huge problem in our world today. We are constantly surrounded by noise, and it is not easy to escape it. This is especially true if you are a new homeowner with renovation activities going on in your new home.  Construction sites are a common source of noise pollution and can be …

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