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Study identifies distinct brain organization patterns in women and men

Study identifies distinct brain organization patterns in women and men

A new study by Stanford Medicine investigators unveils a new artificial intelligence model that was more than 90% successful at determining whether scans of brain activity came from a woman or a man. The findings published Feb. 19 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, help resolve a long-term controversy about whether reliable …

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Going Braless: Is It Bad To Not Wear A Bra?

Going Braless: Is It Bad To Not Wear A Bra?

When the world seems like it’s spinning out of control, you might as well throw on your favorite stretchy pants and tee and navigate the chaos comfortably, right?   That’s just what a lot of us did during the last year — we found solace in our comfy clothes. No more restrictive suits or dresses. We …

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Omega-3s May Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Omega-3s May Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Increased intakes of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids may cut a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer by up to 14%. Fish is an abundant source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), compounds for which a number of studies suggest a range of health effects.  Duo Li, from Zhejiang University (China), and colleagues completed a meta-analysis …

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Migraine May Raise Cardiovascular Risks


Women who experience migraine with aura may be at higher risk for major cardiovascular events.  Women who have migraines with aura may be at higher risk for major cardiovascular events. Tobias Kurth, from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (France), and colleagues assessed data collected from 27,860 women, ages 45 and older, enrolled …

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Alcohol May Help to Curb Weight Gain in Women

Alcohol May Help to Curb Weight Gain in Women

Large-scale study finds that light alcohol consumption slashes women’s risk of gaining excess weight. In that alcohol contains about 7 calories per gram (with approximately 28 grams per ounce), past research has been inconsistent regarding whether alcohol beverage consumption may lead to weight gain through an imbalance of energy consumed and energy burned.  Lu Wang, …

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