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Loss Of Y Chromosome In Men Enables Cancer To Grow

The Shrinking Y Chromosome

Losing the male sex chromosome isn’t just a phenomenon of aging for many men, but it could be putting them at risk for cancer according to a study published in the journal Nature that was conducted by researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles. This phenomenon occurs in the blood cells of aging men and …

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Loss Of Male Sex Chromosome Leads To An Earlier Death For Men

The Shrinking Y Chromosome

The loss of the male sex chromosome as many men age causes the heart muscle to scar and can lead to deadly heart failure, new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine shows. The finding may help explain why men die, on average, several years younger than women. UVA researcher Kenneth Walsh, Ph.D., …

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Health Declining In Gen X And Gen Y

Millennials Are On Track To Die Faster Than Gen X

Recent generations show a worrying decline in health compared to their parents and grandparents when they were the same age, a new national study reveals. Researchers found that, compared to previous generations, members of Generation X and Generation Y showed poorer physical health, higher levels of unhealthy behaviors such as alcohol use and smoking, and …

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The Shrinking Y Chromosome

The Shrinking Y Chromosome

The Y chromosome is a symbol of masculinity, however, it is becoming clear that it is not strong and enduring. This chromosome carries the master switch gene that determines whether an embryo will develop as a male (XY) or female (XX), it contains very few other genes, and is the only chromosome not necessary for …

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The Y Chromosome: Why Do Men Tend To Die Younger?

Human Lifespan Evidence Now Being Challenged

The popular theory is that men die younger than women because they take bigger risks, have more dangerous jobs, drink/smoke more, and don’t seek medical care. But most male species die earlier than females because of their smaller Y chromosomes being unable to protect an unhealthy X chromosome according to recent research from UNSW published …

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Men Lose Y Chromosomes With Age

Men Lose Y Chromosomes With Age

During the 1960s doctors studying chromosomes in human white blood cells discovered a strange phenomenon, that is more frequently with age the cells would be missing from the Y chromosome in blood which has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and other disorders. A recent study suggests that 20% of 205,011 men in the UK …

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