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The Front Lines of Cancer Vaccine Research

By Bill Freeman

A Motley Fool article on Geron provides an interesting view of the front lines in the war on cancer. As research progresses, it becomes increasingly apparent that cancer and aging are connected in one or more ways at the cellular and biochemical levels. Scientists don’t have a full picture yet, but all research into cellular mechanisms will useful in developing healthy life extension medicine.

A Motley Fool article on Geron provides an interesting view of the front lines in the war on cancer. As research progresses, it becomes increasingly apparent that cancer and aging are connected in one or more ways at the cellular and biochemical levels. Scientists don’t have a full picture yet, but all research into cellular mechanisms will useful in developing healthy life extension medicine. Defeating cancer, just like defeating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, is an essential part of a medical foundation for indefinite healthy lifespans.


[Editor: The preceding article was not written by A4M/WHN]