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World Health 10 Part Healthy Heart Series: Part III

The First Patent for Reversing Aging


What is so special about the FMD? Read on….

If food is medicine, can you create a food program so powerful in action that it can be patented for the reversal of aging? The answer is a stunning yes and this milestone was achieved for the fasting mimicking diet (FMD) from L-Nutra (1) in a patent entitled “Methods and formulations promoting tissue/organ regeneration, longevity and healthspan”. FMD is a 5-day plant-based food program known as Prolon that is the result of several decades of pioneering research by Dr. Valter Longo and his team at the University of South California. Dr. Longo is recognized as a leading expert on longevity and has done described fundamental pathways of cells aging including mTor-S6K and PKA-RAS. Now the work from his lab has been awarded a fully issued patent for the support of health in humans (2).

The Basics of the FMD.

The FMD program translates years of basic research in yeast and animal models to humans. The food program provides 1,100 calories on the first day and then 760 calories for four more consecutive days. The nutrients are the key and include plant-based whole foods like nuts, olives, teas, and soup mixes that are about 60 percent fat, 10 percent protein, and 30 percent complex carbohydrates naturally low in sugar and protein. During the five days of restricted calories, exercise, coffee, and alcohol are eliminated.

What is so special about the FMD? The science. After years of experimenting with FMD in animal models showing its benefits on metabolism and lifespan (3) , Dr. Longo’s team analyzed the effects in a human clinical trial that was published early in 2017 (4). One hundred subjects participated in this study; half of them followed a FMD Prolon plan five days a month for three months and the other half ate their usual diet. Profound differences were seen in terms of weight loss, visceral fat loss, drops in blood pressure, blood sugar, blood cholesterol, and markers of inflammation, all much more favorable in the FMD group. At follow up 90 days later, 60% of the improvement in weight and biomarkers remained present.

Even more profound was the decrease in insulin-like growth factor 1 and an increase in stem cell release a marker for regeneration of cells. In fact, the FMD program is marketed as a method to promote regenerative and rejuvenating health responses. There are even provocative data suggesting that combining this FMD with cancer chemotherapy may lead to improved success and fewer side effects (5).


The Patent

As quoted in the patent’s official publication, “Fasting Mimicking Diet without malnutrition is effective in protecting the brain against aging and oxidative stress.” The publication further reinforces FMD’s ability to demonstrate neuroprotective properties against neurodegenerative diseases including stroke, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Alzheimer’s—and that reducing food intake can diminish cognitive dysfunction. Most importantly, the patent confirms that while conventional therapies are limited in their ability to provide a coordinated regenerative process similar to the developmental process that leads to tissue generation in the embryo, FMD’s formulations and methods can overcome these limitations—and induce the beneficial cellular effects.


The Future


Ongoing research studies of the periodic FMD, creating a short-term ketosis from plant foods, are being conducted worldwide for many important disease states including the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cancers, autoimmune conditions, weight management, athletic performance, and cellular rejuvenation programs. Due to the exploding popularity and recognition of FMD, the awarding of this patent for increasing healthspan represents a significant transition in the way in which clinicians can now advise patients regarding weight management, wellness, and longevity.