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Yogurt May Reduce Diabetes Risk

Consuming yogurt may cut a person’s risks of Type-2 diabetes by 28%.

Milk, cheeses, yogurt, and other dairy products serve as an important dietary source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Nita Forouhi, from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), and colleagues assessed daily dietary habits among 4,000 men and women, including 892 participants with incident diabetes, for 11 years.  Total dairy intake (g/day) was estimated and categorized into high-fat (≥3.9%) and low-fat (<3.9% fat) dairy, and by subtype into yogurt, cheese and milk.  The data revealed that low-fat dairy intake was inversely associated with diabetes, after adjusting for confounding factors. Further, the team found an inverse association between diabetes and low-fat fermented dairy product intake – and, specifically with yoghurt intake.  Writing that” Greater low-fat fermented dairy product intake, largely driven by yoghurt intake,” the study authors submit that: “These findings suggest that the consumption of specific dairy types may be beneficial for the prevention of diabetes, highlighting the importance of food group subtypes for public health messages.”

Laura M. O’Connor, Marleen A. H. Lentjes, Robert N. Luben, Kay-Tee Khaw, Nicholas J. Wareham. Nita G. Forouhi.  “Dietary dairy product intake and incident type 2 diabetes: a prospective study using dietary data from a 7-day food diary.” Diabetologia, 8 Feb. 2014.